Check my state tax refund - Everything you need to know

We did the research and narrowed down to ten sites that will help you get the information you need and make a decision. Keep reading to learn about each one.

We combined over twenty different criteria to establish out rankings with the help of cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence and expert contributors. These criteria include user reviews, content relevance, website reputation score, user votes, and more (We make sure to update these rankings on a regular basis so that the information is always up to date).

We've included the most useful videos in our review, as well as links to further resources for more information.

Check my state tax refund
Check my state tax refund

Interest in check my state tax refund over time

According to our data there has been a growing interest in check my state tax refund over the past few years. We estimate that there have been over 324,125 search engine searches in the United States in 2024 alone.

Top 10 Check my state tax refund and Check my state tax refund websites

We ranked the best Check my state tax refund websites so that you can find what you need.

Last updated: 2025-03-24



Description & Features




287 Data points

Refunds | Internal Revenue Service
Refunds | Internal Revenue Service
Information about refunds associated with filing taxes. Status of a return is usually available within 24 hours after the IRS has received an e-filed return or 4 weeks after a paper return received by mail.



266 Data points

Where Is My State Tax Refund? State Tax ... - E-file
Where Is My State Tax Refund? State Tax ... - E-file
Where Is My State Tax Refund? State Tax Department, Agency. Before you check your state income tax refund, please make sure your state tax return has been accepted. A. If you e-filed your state income tax return via please sign in to your account here. On the first page you will see if your state income tax return got ...



246 Data points

Check your refund status online—24/7!
Check your refund status online—24/7!
Check your refund status online 24/7! Check refund status. ... The best way to communicate with the Tax Department about your return is to create an Online Services account and request electronic communications for both Bills and Related Notices and Other Notifications. Simply:



228 Data points

Where's Your Tax Refund? Check with the IRS and Your State
Where's Your Tax Refund? Check with the IRS and Your State
It's really very easy to check on the status of a tax refund from the Internal Revenue Service or from a state tax department—assuming you've filed your tax return and the IRS has accepted it. That's most likely going to take a little longer in 2019, however.



211 Data points

Taxes - Income Tax Self-Service -
Taxes - Income Tax Self-Service -
You can check your refund status online by logging into your account below. Please allow the appropriate time to pass before checking your refund status: E-filed Returns: Allow 2 weeks from the date you received confirmation that your e-filed state return was accepted before checking for information.



195 Data points

where's my refund fact sheet | EITC & Other Refundable Credits
where's my refund fact sheet | EITC & Other Refundable Credits
Check Your Refund Status Online in English or Spanish Where's My Refund? - One of IRS's most popular online features-gives you information about your federal income tax refund. The tool tracks your refund's progress through 3 stages: Return Received Refund Approved Refund Sent You get personalized refund information based on the processing of your tax return.



181 Data points

NJ Income Tax – Check on a Refund -
NJ Income Tax – Check on a Refund -
Check the status of your refund: Online: 2017 or 2018 refunds only. Automated Phone Inquiry: 1-800-323-4400 (toll-free within NJ, NY, PA, DE, and MD) or 609-826-4400 (anywhere). 2018 refunds only. Both options are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. These automated systems can tell you if and when we will issue your refund.



167 Data points

DOR: Check the Status of Your Refund -
DOR: Check the Status of Your Refund -
Find Indiana tax forms. Know when I will receive my tax refund. File my taxes as an Indiana resident while I am in the military, but my spouse is not an Indiana resident. Take the renter's deduction. Pay my tax bill in installments. Claim a gambling loss on my Indiana return. Have more time to file my taxes and I think I will owe the Department.



155 Data points

Where's My Refund? | California Franchise Tax Board
Where's My Refund? | California Franchise Tax Board
If you received a direct deposit refund amount that was different from what was on your tax return, we will mail you an explanation. Please wait for that information before contacting us. 2. Check the status of your 2018 personal income tax refund.



144 Data points

Where's My Refund? | Department of Revenue
Where's My Refund? | Department of Revenue
It may take more than 90 business days from the date of receipt by DOR to process a return and issue a refund. All first-time Georgia income tax filers, or taxpayers who have not filed in Georgia for at least five years, will receive a paper check. Check the status of your refund

Top 10 ranking changes over time

Check my state tax refund videos considered

We analyzed 2,768 hours of the most informative Check my state tax refund videos. These videos stood out the most:

Useful Check my state tax refund Resources

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Related pages to check my state tax refund:

As Seen on the Web - A.I powered insights

This comparison site is made up of our own opinions and views. The ranking is determined at our discretion and is not to be used for accuracy purposes. We can provide this service at no charges thanks to a combination of referral fees and advertising income we receive from various publishers and service providers. These payments may affect our rankings and the score we assign to websites, products, and vendors. Our ratings do not imply endorsement of any kind. This website's information, rankings, and vendor list is subject to change without notice at any time.